Sunday 25 March 2012

Canadians plan to build a wooden skyscraper

Canadian architects have developed a plan to build a wooden skyscraper tridtsatietazhnogo for Vancouver. The peculiarity of construction is the material of which will be built a house - eco-friendly wood substitute in the design of conventional steel and concrete.

Until recently, the wood materials are used only for low-rise buildings. The fact that the houses made of wood, usually have less structural strength and heat-resistant, says DVICE.

However, both of these problems can be solved - with the help of large parts of the plywood, which is a set of thin pieces of wood glued together. This kind of wood is very light and also very durable. The strength of the material further increases if connecting pieces at right angles.

In addition, the tree is actually very well under the action of fire: charred outer layer insulates the interior, thus protecting it from fire. Flame resistance is inherent in large parts of the wood, so during the forest fires are the largest surviving trees.

Canadians choose wood and environmental reasons: the production of steel and concrete leads to the formation of large amounts of carbon dioxide. Specialists of the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimated that during the production of 10 kilograms of cement stands from 6 to 9 pounds of CO2.

In addition, the use of wood in construction is much cheaper than the use of materials such as metal and concrete. And the trees are a renewable resource.

The project offered the company a wooden skyscraper Michael Green Architecture. In addition to the wooden skyscraper to the architects of Vancouver plans to build a wooden house dvadtsatietazhny in Austria and seventeen in Norway.

It should be noted that at present one of the tallest wooden buildings in London - the building is Murray Grove (Stadthaus). The height of a nine-residential building is a little less than thirty feet. Interestingly, even the elevator shaft and stairwells of the building made of wood, according to CNN.

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