Monday 5 March 2012

Tales of the 22 century

This gladiator bike looks like came from the pages of science fiction novels. This unusual and far from the reality of the concept belongs to the Korean artist Jaewan Jeong. Most likely, such tales appear (if you will) only in the 22 th century, that is pretty soon, in the universal scale of course. The creator of the concept suggests that the future of drag racing.

This bike is similar to what we saw in the film "The Fifth Element." A seductive look and attracts women, how can you judge by the pictures, so that in the 22 th century seems nothing has changed except the technology.

But if a sober look at all, the creation of this bike is not so fantastic. Look how fast the technology, who knows, maybe these stories will begin appearing and earlier. But this is just a concept, and we can only hope that scientists and engineers will release something like that. And while we can only admire the ethics of pictures.

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