Tuesday 7 February 2012

New York Times: The U.S. should not give Russia supremacy in space

Rick Santorum, U.S. presidential candidate: Negligence in the spending of money has led to a national debt of U.S. $ 15 trillion. That is, every American should be 50 000 dollars, and it's ruining the recovery of our economy. And what has Newt Gingrich? Spend half a trillion dollars on a colony on the moon. In terms of budget, this idea - crazy.

Well, the answer! He believes that the terms of the budget is madness. These words were taken from the text of Rick Santorum campaign.

Newt Gingrich, U.S. presidential candidate: Well, first of all, if you carefully examine my performance in Cocoa Beach on the "Space Coast", I'm not talking about increasing federal spending. I was talking about a complete reform of NASA, to attract private investment in large scale in order to more effectively and safely implement projects than it does now, NASA. But I'm not talking about increasing federal spending.

Secondly, I just hit and Santorum, and Romney. I have the feeling that they both want to tell us, okay, the Chinese have announced that fly to the moon, the Chinese announced that they intend to lead the space race, and we're not going to compete with them.

That is, between the words of President Kennedy that we can in a decade to get to the moon and we have to do it, and statements by politicians today - incredibly huge gap. Today's politicians are too timid and limited, they have no imagination at all. And they are literally willing to cede leadership in space, Russia and China?

I just can not imagine - if only for reasons of national security - that they think so. I believe that in the end, the Americans say, we do not want China and Russia are the leaders of the space race.

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