Tuesday 15 May 2012

Apple is interested OLED-screen Samsung

Despite the exception to the rule as a new iPad, mobile gadgets like Apple, and in general all the world's leading electronics manufacturers are becoming thinner and thinner. Most likely, in the next five to ten years we will see the first device, the screen that will be bent - and with it will bend the entire body. Prototypes are already in full walk on exhibitions, and Apple hastens to be one of the first to try the taste of the new technology.

The Korea Times newspaper, citing its sources in the Asian community reports that Apple, «probably», ask Samsung to put a certain number of its flexible OLED-screens. Start of mass production planned for the second half of 2012. That Samsung has made significant progress in the implementation of this amazing technology, which led to a sharp rise in orders for products with its use, as recently said Samsung Electronics Chairman Kwon O Hyon. And when it comes to large orders something, all the analysts in a voice whisper the name of the company from Cupertino.

Until the end of this year will be made slightly less than one million flexible OLED-screens - not the most impressive figure, given the industry a huge appetite for mobile devices. This is a logical explanation. Production of any "futuristic product" requires a long break, which felt the LG and Sharp, have been unable to cope with time Retina-display for the new iPad. Korean journalists believe that flexible displays are not destined to appear in the sixth generation iPhone, but the next year - it is quite possible. This smart pen makers have called them «iPhone Yoga».

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